
LECKEY MyWayStander

The stabilizing walker equipped with a revolutionary harness support system

The upright movement device which is all about providing children with maximum opportunities for interaction, exploration and participation in a supported, upright position.

MyWay has a revolutionary harness support system which delivers the core stability required to support head control and limb movement, enabling children to achieve optimum stepping ability.

Furthermore, MyWay's open-frame design makes touching, feeling, participating and discovering easier, giving children more opportunities for development and learning. It also allows therapists to get close to the child and work with their lower limbs whilst they are in MyWay.

Request a brochure or demo
Deambulatore MyWay by LECKEY

Arrange a LECKEY MyWay demonstration today.

Just want a brochure? Select the option below and we'll email you one instead. Read more about our data processing guidelines on our privacy policy.

How do we use your information for a demonstration?

Sunrise Medical will use your details to send you an email acknowledgement and to contact you to arrange your demonstration with a Sunrise Medical dealership. Don't worry, we won't pass your personal data to anyone before speaking to you first and asking for your consent. The information you give us will be stored in the UK and will be kept as long as necessary to fulfill your request (and no-longer than 1 year).

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Maximum User Weight:Misura 1: 25 kg - Misura 2: 50 kg - Misura 3: 80 kg

As a part of our ongoing product improvement initiative, Sunrise Medical reserves the right to change specifications and design without notice. Further, not all features and options offered are compatible with all configurations of the wheelchair. Please consult the user instruction manual for more information.

